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Dr. Noheed Khan (Chief Editor)

AIU, Shahpur Bhara Kahu, Islamabad

Office Time

09:00AM To 05:00PM

Author Guidelines


Alhamd Multidisciplinary Research Journal (AMRJ) publishes original research papers with the understanding that these papers are not being considered for publishing elsewhere. Submission are accepted throughout the year with an average review time of 3 months. All submissions in Microsoft Word format should be sent electronically via email to: editor.amrj@alhamd.pk

All submissions are subject to double blind peer review and should follow the AMRJ format. All tables and figures should be numbered and inserted in text of the paper in black and white (no colored figures).

Formatting Requirements

Language: All manuscripts should be in English language (US English). Research papers should be thoroughly checked by the author(s) to avoid grammatical, typographical and syntax errors. Scholarly language and subject related terminology should be used as the readers of AMRJ belong to scholarly audience. Authors should focus on content, style, integration of ideas, higher order thinking skill of analysis and novel arguments.

Length of paper: 5000 -10,000 words including tables and references.

Title page: It should include concise, specific, relevant and informative title (avoid abbreviations in the title). Please indicate the full name of author(s) clearly. Present the authors affiliation below the names. Provide the full address of each affiliation, including the country name, correct e-mail address, and telephone number of each author. Please clearly indicate who (corresponding author) is willing to handle correspondence at all stages of peer review and publication.

Short running title: A short running title of not more than 50 characters should be provided.

General rules for text: Please use the following rules for whole text, including abstract, keywords, heading and references.

Font: Times New Roman; Size: 12
Paragraph Spacing: Above paragraph – 0 pt; Below paragraph – 4 pt
Line Spacing: fixed – 12 pt
Heading 1: Times New Roman; Size-12; Bold; for example, 3. Methodology
Heading 2: Times New Roman; Size-12; Italic; for example, 3.1 Population
Heading 3: Times New Roman; Size-12; for example, 3.1.1 Sample

Abstract: A concise and factual abstract is required (maximum length 200 words). The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, data set, methodology, results, major conclusions and usefulness of the study.

Keywords: Immediately after the abstract, provide 6-8 keywords specific to the research paper. Avoid general and plural terms: only firmly established terms and abbreviations should be used.

Introduction: This section may cover overall background and description of the study, narrow down to research objectives, motivation of the topic, importance/significance, proposed tasks and novelty. Abbreviations should be described in parentheses when first time they appear in the text.

Literature review: This sections may critically describe/evaluate literature relevant to research problem, establish context, compare and contrast the most recent developments in literature and trends. Search gaps after concentrating on thought leaders’ seminal work and linking the research with relevant theories.

Methodology: This section may describe population structure, sample, instrumentation, data collection, hypotheses, equations, statistical tool and its justification.

Data analysis: This section may cover in depth interpretation through applying higher order thinking skill of analysis and develop novel arguments based on significance of statistical relations. Establish interconnections among and within variables. Testing hypotheses and comparing with literature.

Discussion and recommendations: It may be broken into meaningful sections, i.e. hypotheses supported/rejected, alternative explanations, conclusion, theoretical/methodological contribution, practical implications, recommendations, future study directions and limitations.

Subdivision of the article: Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered 1., 2., (then 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2), 1.2, etc. Use this numbering also for internal cross-referencing: do not just refer to the text. Authors are urged to write as concisely as possible, but not at the cost of clarity.

Figure legends, figures, schemes: Present them in order (suitable heading and specific number; Arabic numerals) wherever appropriate in the text. High-resolution (black and white only) graphs must be provided in the main text of the paper.

Tables: Present tables with suitable heading and specific number (Arabic numerals) at the appropriate place of the article. Use the Table option of Microsoft Word to create tables. Ensure that the data presented in tables do not duplicate results described elsewhere in the article. Refer to table number wherever appropriate in the text of the paper.

Equation/Formula: Present equations using Microsoft Equation Editor. Numbers (Arabic numerals) to each equation should be placed in parenthesis at the right margin.

References: Citations in the text should follow the referencing style used by the American Psychological Association (APA). You may refer the “Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association”, its details may be found at: www.apa.org . References should be arranged first alphabetically and then further sorted chronologically.

Reference to a journal publication: Core, J. E., Holthausen, R. W., & Larcker, D. F. (1999). Corporate governance, chief executive officer compensation, and firm performance. Journal of Financial Economics51(3), 371-406.
Reference to a book:  Jesudason, J. V. (1989). Ethnicity and the economy: The state, Chinese business, and multinationals in Malaysia. Oxford University Press, USA.
Reference to a web source: World Bank (2009). Outlook for Remittance Flows 2009-2011. [Online] Available:  http://econ.worldbank.org (March 2, 2016).

Chapters in edited volumes: Herath, H. S., Bremser, W. G., & Birnberg, J. G. (2014). A Balanced Scorecard Strategic Initiative Planning Model with Resource Constraints. Advances in Management Accounting (Advances in Management Accounting, Volume 24) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 24, 1-38.

Unpublished papers: Wheaton, W. C., Chervachidze, S. & Nechayev, G. (2014). Error Correction Models of MSA Housing Supply Elasticities: Implications for Price Recovery. MIT Department of Economics, Working Paper No. 14-05.

Conference proceedings: Heiman, A. L., Vincent-Hoper, S., Gregersen, S., & Nienhaus, A. (2014). A meta-analysis on transformational leadership and well-being: The role of the job demands–resources model. Paper presented at the International Conference of Applied Psychology, Paris, France.

Thesis:  Mole, G.W. (2002). Managers in conflict: a longitudinal study of manager behaviour in interpersonal conflicts at work. Unpublished PhD. Thesis, University of London, UK.

Abbreviation of Journal Names: Please avoid using abbreviations in the title of a paper. Rather full names of journals should be described in the references to facilitate readers and indexing agencies.

Footnote: Footnotes should be avoided while references preferably be prepared using some bibliography package.

JEL Classification: Please provide up to 5 JEL classification codes after abstract of the paper that may be accessed at: https://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php?view=jel

Acknowledgement: All acknowledgements should be described at the end of the paper in a separate paragraph after having specific permission from individuals and institutions to mention their names. Authors should also declare and acknowledge any sources of research funding in this section.

Appendix: Background information, list of respondents, list of companies or questionnaire may be described in this section.

Authorship of the Work

Others who have participated in certain substantive aspect of the research should be acknowledged for their contribution in an “Acknowledgement” section.

Conflicts of Interest